
    페이스북 트위터 
    CALYPSO VIB 28G & 38G

    [CALYPSO VIB 28G & 38G]

    Retail Price : KRW 11,000

    It is suitable to attack large sea bass, gold striped amberjack and king fish in a natural way by casting tackles to the back of a cautious target fish from a shore or a boat. Particularly, a stimulus vib action, which is enough to lead an active bite of sea bass (one of the main target species) lures a large fish, with one step fast and strong vibration.

    Under strong wind and high tide circumstances when sea bass is very active, casting distance that is not influenced by cross wind and an action that goes against rapid tide with strong vibration are enough to lead attack from such active predator.

    The 3 dimensional fin at the back and abdomen, which is specially designed to maintain balance of a vib, is subtle consideration to supplement balance break, which easily happens in swimming, emphasizing the reality.

    The double red line near the gill indicates urgent movement of bait fish chased by a predator in a realistic manner.

    TYPE : Sinking
    SIZE : 28g-80mm / 38g-87mm
    DEPTH : Free
    ACTION : Vibration

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    6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합