
    페이스북 트위터 


    Retail Price : KRW 7,000

    Powerful search bait for octopus fishing
    Taking the form of crustacean, the main prey of octopus, it is the most standard lure for octopus. The body maintains parallel to the center even in the face of the repeated drop & lift actions, and can entice the octopus to bite easily in a dart action. Two hooks at both ends and another two hooks at the center among the four hooks were designed into different sizes, unlike ordinary lure hooks. Furthermore, 4-point system was adopted to catch the octopus easily on the hook when the octopus attacks the PULPO lure.


    SIZE : 5inch
    WEIGHT : 49g


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    현재 비밀번호
    신규 비밀번호
    신규 비밀번호 확인
    6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합