
    페이스북 트위터 
    SSO BAIT ABY(魚飛) 63SP

    [SSO BAIT ABY(魚飛) 63SP]

    Retail Price : KRW 12,000

    Featuring the semi-flat body, it is a 63mm suspending minnow that can be submerged to a depth of up to 1m! Even simple winding can prompt flashy wobbling actions, which can be a significant advantage for fishing in the downstream with turbulent rapids. In small shoals, trough of the sea, and deep pool, it can appeal to the targeted fish with twitching that makes it turn on its head in a dart action to create flushing effects. In the low active situation, it can entice the targeted fish to bite the bait if it naturally flows on the current of water in the same water depth for prolonged staying duration. It is a multi-purpose minnow designed to target mandarin fish!

    TYPE : Suspending
    SIZE : 63mm
    WEIGHT : 6g
    DEPTH : 0.8~1.0m


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    6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합