
    페이스북 트위터 


    Retail Price: 180g KRW 16,000 / 200g KRW 17,000 / 230g KRW 18,000 / 260g KRW 19,000 / 290g KRW 20,000

    Perfect vertical and action performance
    ● Designed for supersized fish.
    Optimum performance during long jerking.
    Inducing bites with continuous appeal even in short one-pitch and slow pitch.
    The asymmetric surface design creates a splendid sliding action during the polling process.
    Lure target species with diffused reflection during action, guaranteeing a high hit rate.

    TYPE : Jig
    WEIGHT : 180g, 200g, 230g, 260g, 290g

    ■ The tip of the lure needle is very sharp, so be careful.
    ■ Keep out of reach of children or infants.
    ■ When using, be sure to check the safety of the surroundings.
    ■ The high temperature for a long time Please note that leaving it unattended may cause problems such as deformation.

    회원님의 소중한 개인정보 보호를 위해 비밀번호를 주기적으로 변경하시는 것이 좋습니다.
    현재 비밀번호
    신규 비밀번호
    신규 비밀번호 확인
    6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합